usa visit visa THUMB

Easy Way To Get USA Visit Visa

To get USA visit visa the first step in the US visa application process is to fill DS-160 form online. It’s a lengthy form with several pages and sections, so it can take long time.

USA Visit Visa Important Note:

The result of your USA visit visa for the most part depends on the information you fill in your DS-160. Pay careful attention to the information you enter in your DS-160. It must be accurate, and honest and must match with what you say during the visa interview. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT lie in your DS-160. This can lead to visa denial, visa ban, or permanent blacklist.


01. DS-160 Form

To start your USA visit visa DS-160 form, head over to the US Department of State’s Nonimmigrant Visa Application (DS-160) page.

America Visit Visa Step1
  • Select a location where you will be applying for this visa [Instruction: Select the country where you intend to attend your US visa interview]
  • Enter the code as shown [Instruction: Enter the code shown in the captcha in this field. This is to make sure you are a real human and not a bot]
  • This visa application will ask you to upload a digital photo of yourself [Instruction: If you already have a digital photo for your visa application, click on “Test Photo” to check if your photo meets the specifications. If you don’t have a photo and want to know the photo requirements, click on “Photo Standard Guide”]
The question “This USA visit visa application will ask you to upload a digital photo of yourself” is shown only for certain countries such as Malaysia, the Philippines, etc. If you choose a country such as India, Mexico, etc., this question will not be shown.

After you have entered the above data, you will see 2 buttons –

START AN APPLICATION [Instruction: Click this button if you are starting a new application]
RETRIEVE AN APPLICATION [Instruction: Click this button if you are retrieving a previously saved application]

Let’s look into these options in detail.


To Start USA Visit Visa Application click the “START AN APPLICATION” button when you are starting a new DS-160 application. This will create an Application ID, which you must print or make a note of. You will need the Application ID to retrieve your saved DS-160 application.


Your session times out if you leave your USA Visit Visa DS-160 form open for too long. If that happens, you can come back to your saved application (saved till the last section) using this option.

You might also need time to gather the information needed to fill the USA visit visa DS-160 form. In that case, you can save and come back to your saved application using this option. You would need your USA visit visa DS-160 Application ID to retrieve the saved application.

After you enter the above data and click on “START AN APPLICATION”, you will see the “Application Information” Screen. Your “Application ID” will be displayed here. Print this page. Or take a screenshot or make a note of the USA visit visa DS-160 Application ID. You will need your Application ID to retrieve your saved USA visit visa DS-160 application

America Visit Visa step2
  1. I AGREE [Instruction: Check the “I AGREE” box for Computer Fraud and Abuse Act]
  2. Security Question [Instruction: Select a security question from the list]
  3. Answer [Instruction: Enter the answer for your security question]

Make a note of your “Application ID”, “Security Question” and “Answer”. The “Security Question and Answer” along with the “Application ID”, “Surname” and “Birth Year” are REQUIRED to retrieve your saved USA visit visa DS-160 visa application. If you forget any of this information, you will not be able to retrieve your saved application. You will have to start over again with a new USA visit visa DS-160 application.

You will have 30 days to complete a partially saved DS-160 application. These 30 days are calculated from the last time you edited your application. If you do not complete and submit your USA Visit Visa DS-160 form within 30 days, your application will be deleted and you will have to start over again.

02. America Visit Visa Personal Information

Subsection: America Visit Visa Personal Information 1

America Visit Visa step3-1
America Visit Visa step3-2
  • Surnames [Instruction: Enter your surname from your passport. If you have any accents or special characters in your surname name, enter WITHOUT accents or special characters]
  • Given Names [Instruction: Enter your given name from your passport. If you have any accents or special characters in your given names, enter WITHOUT accents or special characters]
  • Full Name in Native Alphabet [Instruction: Enter ONLY IF you have accents or non-Latin characters in your name or know how to write your name in your native language. Otherwise, simply check “Does Not Apply/Technology Not Available”. For detailed instructions, check out this article on how to fill Full Name in Native Alphabet]
  • Have you ever used other names (i.e, maiden, religious, professional, alias, etc.)? [Instruction: Select “Yes” if you have a maiden name, otherwise select “No”]
  • Do you have a telecode that represents your name? [Instruction: Select “Yes” only if you have a Chinese name, otherwise just select “No”. For detailed instructions, read this article on how to fill Telecode name in DS-160]
  • Sex [Instruction: Select “Male” or “Female”]
  • Marital Status [Instruction: Select your marital status from the options]
    • [Dropdown Options]
    • SINGLE
    • OTHER
  • Date and Place of Birth
    • Date [Instruction: Enter your date of birth]
    • City [Instruction: Enter the city where you were born]
    • State/Province [Instruction: Enter the state/province where you were born]
    • Country/Region [Instruction: Enter the country where you were born]

If you have accents or special characters in your name

The “Surnames” and “Given Names” fields DO NOT ALLOW accents or special characters. You must enter your name WITHOUT accents or special characters in the “Surnames” and “Given Names” fields. Use the “Full Name in Native Alphabet” field to enter your full name with accents and special characters.

If you have a middle name on your passport

If you have a middle name in your passport (ex: Philippines passport), you must add your middle name to your given name(s) and enter it in your USA visit visa DS-160 “Given Name”.

Example below.

In your current passport
Surname: XXXX
Given Names: YYYY ZZZZ
Middle Name: AAAA

This is how you will fill in your USA visit visa DS-160
Surname: XXXX

If your surname in the passport is “blank”

If your surname in the passport is “blank”, use the following format in your USA visit visa DS-160 form.

In your current passport
Given Name: XXXX YYYY

This is how you will fill in your USA visit visa DS-160
Surname: XXXX YYYY
Given Name: FNU

Your US visa will be issued with the following name
Surname: XXXX YYYY
Given Name: FNU

NOTE: FNU means First Name Unknown.

IMPORTANT: You must get your passport fixed as soon as you can. It can create all kinds of issues, not only for visa applications but also at the airports. If you move to a foreign country to study or work, you won’t be able to open a bank account, apply for a driving license, etc.

What if your surname or given name is too long

You may be able to enter your Surname and Given Name completely in the USA visit visa DS-160 form. But in the USA visit visa, the Surname and Given Name fields have a certain character limit and will be truncated if over the character limit.

Even though your name is truncated in your US visa, it will not pose any problems with US immigration. US border officials are all aware of this and will not ask you any questions. You may be asked by the airline staff if they are not familiar with US visa name character limit.

Example below.

In your current passport
Surname: XXXX

This is how you will fill in your america visit visa DS-160
Surname: XXXX

Your US visa will be issued with the following name
Surname: XXXX

Subsection: America Visit Visa Personal Information 2

America Visit Visa step4
  • Country/Region of Origin (Nationality) [Instruction: Select your country of nationality]
  • Do you hold or have you held any nationality other than the one indicated above on nationality? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” if you have acquired a nationality other than your birth nationality]
  • Are you a permanent resident of a country/region other than your country/region of origin (nationality) indicated above? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” if you have acquired permanent residence in a country other than your country of birth]
  • National Identification Number [Instruction: Enter your National Identification Number from your country. If you don’t know, check “Does Not Apply” | ]
  • U.S. Social Security Number [Instruction: Check “Does Not Apply”. Enter your US SSN if you have lived in the US before]
  • U.S. Taxpayer ID Number [Instruction: Check “Does Not Apply”. Enter your US TIN Number if you had/have one]

03. Address and Phone

America Visit Visa step5-1
America Visit Visa step5-2

Home Address

  • Street Address (Line 1) [Instruction: Enter your home address in the following fields]
  • Street Address (Line 2) *Optional
  • City
  • State/Province
  • Postal Zone/Zip Code
  • Country/Region

Mailing Address

  • Is your Mailing Address the same as your Home Address? [Instruction: Select “Yes” if your home and mailing addresses are the same. Otherwise, select “No” and enter your mailing address]


  • Primary Phone Number [Instruction: Enter your cell phone number where the consulate can reach you if needed]
  • Secondary Phone Number [Instruction: Enter your home phone number where the consulate can call you if your cell phone is not reachable. If you don’t have one, just check “Does Not Apply”]
  • Work Phone Number [Instruction: Enter your work phone number where the consulate can call you if your cell/home phones are not reachable. If you don’t have one, just check “Does Not Apply”]
  • Have you used any other phone numbers in the last five years? [Select “Yes” if you have used any other phone number in the last five years. Select “No” if you didn’t]
    • (If you have answered “Yes” to the above question) Additional Phone Number [Instruction: Enter the additional phone number that you have used in the last five years. If you have more than one, click on the “Add Another” button to add more]

Email Address

  • Email Address [Instruction: Enter your email address where the consulate can email you if needed]
  • Have you used any other email addresses in the last five years? [Instruction: Select “Yes” if you have used any other email addresses in the last five years. Select “No” if you didn’t]
    • (If you have answered “Yes” to the above question) Additional Email Address[Instruction: Enter the additional email address that you have used in the last five years. If you have more than one, click on the “Add Another” button to add more]

Social Media

  • Social Media Provider/Platform [Instruction: Select a social media platform that you currently use or used in the last 5 years. If you don’t use/used any social media, leave it unselected]
    • [Dropdown Options]
    • ASK.FM
    • DOUBAN
    • GOOGLE+
    • QZONE (QQ)
    • REDITT
    • TWOO
    • VINE
    • YOUKU
    • NONE
  • Social Media Identifier [Instruction: Enter the username or handle of the social media platform]
  • Add Another [Instruction: If you use or used more than one social media platform, click the “Add Another” button to add more]
  • Do you wish to provide information about your presence on any other websites or applications you have used within the last five years to create or share content (photos, videos, status updates, etc.)? [Instruction: Select “Yes” if you use a social media platform that was not listed in the above question, ex: Tiktok. Otherwise, select “No”. Messaging services such as WhatsApp do not count as social media, so DO NOT enter such services here]
  • (If answered “Yes” to the above question)
    • Additional Social Media Platform [Instruction: Enter the social media platform name, ex: Tiktok]
    • Additional Social Media Handle [Instruction: Enter the social media platform username or handle, ex: @myhandle]
    • Add Another [Instruction: If you use or used more than one social media platform, click the “Add Another” button to add more]

04. Passport

America Visit Visa step6-1
America Visit Visa step6-2
  • Passport/Travel Document Type [Instruction: Select “REGULAR” from the options]
    • [Dropdown Options]
    • OTHER
  • Passport/Travel Document Number [Instruction: Enter your passport number]
  • Passport Book Number [Instruction: Just check “Does Not Apply”]
  • Country/Authority that Issued Passport/Travel Document [Instruction: Select your country of passport]
  • Where was the Passport/Travel Document Issued?
    • City [Instruction: Enter the place of issue from your passport. If you can’t find the place of issue on your passport, just enter the city where your passport was issued]
    • State/Province *If shown on passport [Instruction: Enter state/province of issue from your passport. If the state/province of issue is not on your passport, leave this field blank]
    • Country/Region [Instruction: Select the country where your passport was issued]
  • Issuance Date [Instruction: Select the date of issue from your passport]
  • Expiration Date [Instruction: Select the date of expiration from your passport]
  • Have you ever lost a passport or had one stolen? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” only if you have ever lost your passport or stolen]
  • (If you have answered “Yes” to the above question) Provide the following information:
    • Passport/Travel Document Number [Instruction: Enter the passport number of the passport that was lost or stolen]
    • Country/Authority that Issued Passport/Travel Document [Instruction: Enter the country of the passport that was lost or stolen]
    • Explain [Instruction: Explain how your passport was lost or stolen]
    • Add Another [Instruction: If you had multiple incidents of lost or stolen passports, click on the “Add Another” button to enter more]

05 Travel

America Visit Visa step7-1
America Visit Visa step7-2
  • Purpose of Trip to the U.S. [Instruction: Select “TEMP. BUSINESS PLEASURE VISITOR (B)” from the options. If applying for a different visa, select the appropriate visa class from the options]
    • [Dropdown Options]
    • OTHER (N)
  • Specify [Instruction: Select “BUSINESS & TOURISM (TEMPORARY VISITOR) (B1/B2)”. If you have selected a different visa class, then select the appropriate option here]
  • Have you made specific travel plans [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” ONLY IF you have already booked your flight tickets and hotel]
    • Intended Date of Arrival [Instruction: Select the approximate date on which you intend to arrive in the US]
    • Intended Length of Stay in the U.S. [Instruction: Select the number of days you intend to spend in the US on this trip]
    • Address Where You Will Stay in the U.S. [Instruction: Enter the address where you intend to stay in the US (hotel, friend, relative, etc)]
      • Street Address (Line 1)
      • Street Address (Line 2) *Optional
      • City
      • State
      • Zip Code (if known)
  • Person/Entity Paying for Your Trip [Instruction: Select “SELF”. If someone else is paying for your trip, select “OTHER PERSON” and enter their details and relationship]
    • [Dropdown Options]
    • SELF

For “TEMP. BUSINESS PLEASURE VISITOR (B)”, you will have 3 options to choose from: B1 (Business), B2 (Tourism), and B1/B2 (Business and Tourism). I recommend selecting “B1/B2” even though your purpose might be strictly business or tourism. A US visa is issued for 10 years and you never know when you will need to visit the US for business or when for tourism. “B1/B2” will work for both purposes and will spare you from unnecessary questions at the port of entry.

Even if you have selected “B1” or “B2” as your choice, the US consulate might still issue “B1/B2”. In very rare cases, they issue a “B1” or a “B2”.

What if you plan to stay in a hotel when you travel to the US, instead of a friend/family/relative?

If you are planning to stay in a hotel, book a refundable or pay-at-check-in hotel. Use that address for the question “Address Where You Will Stay in the U.S.”. Cancel the booking after you receive your visa.

06: Travel Companions

America Visit Visa step8

Persons traveling with you

  • Are there other people traveling with you? [Instruction: Select “No” if you will be traveling by yourself. Select “Yes” if you will be traveling with family/friends and provide details]
  • If answered “Yes” to the above question, you must answer the following questions.
    • Are you traveling as part of a group or organization? [Instruction: Select “No” if you will be traveling with family/friends. Select “Yes” only if you will be traveling with a group on an organized group tour]
    • Surnames of Person Traveling With You [Instruction: Enter the surname of the person (family member/relative/friend/etc.) traveling with you]
    • Given Names of Person Traveling With You [Instruction: Enter the given names of the person (family member/relative/friend/etc.) traveling with you]
    • Relationship with Person [Instruction: Select the relationship of the person (family member/relative/friend/etc.) traveling with you from the below options]
      • [Dropdown Options]
      • PARENT
      • SPOUSE
      • CHILD
      • FRIEND
      • OTHER
    • Add Another [Instruction: Use this option if you have more than one person (family member/relative/friend/etc.) traveling with you]

07: Previous U.S. Travel

America Visit Visa step9-1
America Visit Visa step9-2
America Visit Visa step9-3
  • Are there other persons traveling with you? [Instruction: Select “No” if you will be traveling by yourself. Select “Yes” if you will be traveling with family/friends and provide details]
  • If answered “Yes” to the above question, you must answer the following questions.
    • Are you traveling as part of a group or organization? [Instruction: Select “No” if you will be traveling with family/friends. Select “Yes” only if you will be traveling with a group on an organized group tour]
    • Surnames of Person Traveling With You [Instruction: Enter the surname of the person (family member/relative/friend/etc.) traveling with you]
    • Given Names of Person Traveling With You [Instruction: Enter the given names of the person (family member/relative/friend/etc.) traveling with you]
    • Relationship with Person [Instruction: Select the relationship of the person (family member/relative/friend/etc.) traveling with you from the below options]
      • [Dropdown Options]
      • PARENT
      • SPOUSE
      • CHILD
      • FRIEND
      • OTHER
    • Add Another [Instruction: Use this option if you have more than one person (family member/relative/friend/etc.) traveling with you]

If you have been in the US before but do not remember the exact dates, you can look up your previous US travel history on the US Customs and Border Protection website. For calculating “Length of Stay”, you can use the Date and Time’s Days Calculator.

08: U.S. Contact

America Visit Visa step10-1
America Visit Visa step10-2

Contact Person or Organization in the United States

  • Contact Person [Instruction: Enter the details of the person you know or will be visiting in the US below. If you don’t know anyone, check “Do Not Know”]
    • Surnames [Instruction: Enter the surname of your contact person in the US]
    • Given Names [Instruction: Enter the given name of your contact person in the US]
  • Organization Name [Instruction: Enter the name of the organization you know or will be visiting in the US. If you will not be visiting any, you can enter your hotel name or just check “Do Not Know”]
  • Relationship to You [Instruction: Enter your contact person’s relationship to you from these options]
    • [Dropdown Options]
    • SPOUSE
    • FRIEND
    • OTHER
  • Address and Phone Number of Point of Contact [Instruction: Enter the address and phone details for your US contact]
    • U.S. Street Address (Line 1)
    • U.S. Street Address (Line 2) *Optional
    • City
    • State
    • Zip Code (if known)
    • Phone Number
    • Email Address

For “Contact Person or Organization in the United States”, you would need to enter AT LEAST one, either a “Contact Person” or an “Organization”. If you don’t know anyone who can vouch for you, I recommend entering the hotel where you will be staying.

09. Family

Subsection: Relatives

America Visit Visa step11

Father’s Full Name and Date of Birth

  • Surnames [Instruction: Enter your father’s surname. If you don’t know, check “Do Not Know”]
  • Given Names [Instruction: Enter your father’s given name. If you don’t know, check “Do Not Know”]
  • Date of Birth [Instruction: Enter your father’s date of birth. If you don’t know, check “Do Not Know”]
  • Is your father in the U.S.? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” if your father is currently in the US]
    • (If you have selected “Yes” to the above question) Father’s Status [Instruction: Select your father’s current status in the US]
      • [Dropdown Options]
      • U.S. Citizen [Instruction: Use this option if your father is a US citizen, meaning holding a US passport]
      • U.S. LEGAL PERMANENT RESIDENT (LPR) [Instruction: Use this option if your father holds a US Green card]
      • NONIMMIGRANT [Instruction: Use this option if your father is on a nonimmigrant visa such as B, H, L, F, J]
      • OTHER/I DON’T KNOW [Instruction: Use this option if you don’t know his status in the US]

Mother’s Full Name and Date of Birth

  • Surnames [Instruction: Enter your mother’s surname. If you don’t know, check “Do Not Know”]
  • Given Names [Instruction: Enter your mother’s given name. If you don’t know, check “Do Not Know”]
  • Date of Birth [Instruction: Enter your mother’s date of birth. If you don’t know, check “Do Not Know”]
  • Is your mother in the U.S.? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” if your mother is currently in the US]
    • (If you have selected “Yes” to the above question) Mother’s Status [Instruction: Select your mother’s current status in the US]
      • [Dropdown Options]
      • U.S. Citizen [Instruction: Use this option if your mother is a US citizen, meaning holding a US passport]
      • U.S. LEGAL PERMANENT RESIDENT (LPR) [Instruction: Use this option if your mother holds a US Green card]
      • NONIMMIGRANT [Instruction: Use this option if your mother is on a nonimmigrant visa such as B, H, L, F, J]
      • OTHER/I DON’T KNOW [Instruction: Use this option if you don’t know her status in the US]
  • Do you have any immediate relatives, not including parents, in the United States? [Instruction: Select “Yes” if you have any immediate relatives such as spouses, children, or siblings in the US and enter their details below. Otherwise, select “No”]
    • (If you have answered “Yes” to the above question) Provide the following information:Surnames [Instruction: Enter your immediate relative’s (spouse, son, daughter or sibling) surname]Given Names [Instruction: Enter your immediate relative’s (spouse, son, daughter or sibling) given names]Relationship to You [Instruction: Select your immediate relative’s relationship with you from the options]
    • Relative’s Status [Instruction: Select your immediate relative’s current status in the US from the below options]
      • [Dropdown Options]U.S. Citizen [Instruction: Use this option if they are a US citizen, meaning holding a US passport]U.S. LEGAL PERMANENT RESIDENT (LPR) [Instruction: Use this option if they hold a U.S. Green card]NONIMMIGRANT [Instruction: Use this option if they are on a nonimmigrant visa such as B, H, L, F, J]
      • OTHER/I DON’T KNOW [Instruction: Use this option if you don’t know their status]
  • Do you have any other relatives in the United States? [Comment: Select “No”. Select “Yes” if you have any relatives such as grandparents, in-laws, uncles, aunts, cousins, etc. in the US and enter their details below]

Subsection: Spouse

Spouse’s Full Name and Date of Birth (include Maiden Name)

  • Spouse’s Surnames [Instruction: Enter your spouse’s surname]
  • Spouse’s Given Names [Instruction: Enter your spouse’s given name]
  • Spouse’s Date of Birth [Instruction: Select your spouse’s date of birth]
  • Spouse’s Country/Region of Origin (Nationality) [Instruction: Select your spouse’s country of nationality]
  • Spouse’s Place of Birth
    • City [Instruction: Enter your spouse’s city of birth]
    • Country/Region [Instruction: Enter your spouse’s country of birth]
  • Spouse’s Address [Instruction: Select your spouse’s address from the options or enter a new one]
    • [Dropdown Options]

The “Spouse” section is only available if you have selected “MARRIED” as the “Marital Status” in “02. Personal” above.

10. Work / Education / Training

Subsection: Present

America Visit Visa step12-1
America Visit Visa step12-2
  • Primary Occupation [Instruction: Select your primary occupation from the options]
    • [Dropdown Options]
    • OTHER
  • (If you select an option other than “HOMEMAKER” or “RETIRED” for the above question, you must answer the below questions)
    • Explain [Instruction: This “Explain” box is shown only if you select “UNEMPLOYED” or “OTHER” for the above question. If you are unemployed, explain why you are unemployed. If you select “OTHER”, specify your occupation, such as Journalism, Marketing, etc.]
    • Present Employer or School Name [Instruction: Enter your current employer name (if employed) or university/college name (if student) or business name (if owns a business)]
    • Present employer or school address: [Instruction: Enter your current employer/school/business address below]
      • Street Address (Line 1)
      • Street Address (Line 2) *Optional
      • City
      • State/Province
      • Postal Zone/Zip Code
      • Phone Number
      • Country/Region
    • Start Date [Instruction: Select the start date of your current job or school curriculum or business]
    • Monthly Income in Local Currency (if employed) [Instruction: Enter the monthly income you make from your current job or business. Check “Does Not Apply” if you are a student or retired]
    • Briefly describe your duties: [Instruction: Write a brief list of duties performed at your current employer or business]

Subsection: Previous

America Visit Visa step13-1
America Visit Visa step13-2
America Visit Visa step13-3

Subsections “Previous” (previous work and education) and “Additional” (languages and travel history) are only asked for (1) all male applicants and (2) all applicants (male and female) from countries considered as questionable. Therefore, if you are a female applicant and you do not see these sections, it means you are not required to fill those sections. It’s normal, no need to worry.

  • Were you previously employed? [Instruction: Select “Yes” if you have a previous employer and enter the details below. Select “No” if your current job is your first job or you are a student]
  • (If you answer “Yes” to the above question, you must answer the below questions) Employer/Employment Information:
    • Employer Name
    • Employer Street Address (Line1)
    • Employer Street Address (Line 2) *Optional
    • City
    • State/Province
    • Postal Zone/Zip Code
    • Country/Region
    • Job Title
    • Supervisor’s Surname [Instruction: If you don’t remember or know your supervisor back then, just check “Do Not Know”]
    • Supervisor’s Given Names [Instruction: If you don’t remember or know your supervisor back then, just check “Do Not Know”]
    • Employment Date From
    • Employment Date To
    • Briefly describe your duties:
    • Add Another [Instruction: If you have more than one previous employment, use this option to add more. You can add up to 2 previous employments]
  • Have you attended any educational institutions at a secondary level or above? [Instruction: Select “Yes” and enter your educational background below]
  • (If you answer “Yes” to the above question, you must answer the below questions) Provide the following information on the educational institution(s) you have attended.
    • Name of Institution
    • Street Address (Line 1)
    • Street Address (Line 2) *Optional
    • City
    • State/Province
    • Postal Zone/Zip Code
    • Country/Region
    • Course of Study [Instruction: Enter your course of study or degree]
    • Date of Attendance From [Instruction: Enter your university/school course start date]
    • Date of Attendance To [Instruction: Enter your university/school course end date]
    • Add Another [Instruction: Use this option to enter details if you have multiple degrees or a master’s degree]

Enter your educational background starting from the highest education to high school (or higher secondary).

Subsection: Additional

America Visit Visa step14-1
America Visit Visa step14-2
  • Do you belong to a clan or tribe? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” if you belong to a recognized clan or tribe and enter the details]
  • Provide a List of Languages You Speak
    • Language Name [Instruction: Enter the language that you speak]
    • Add Another [Instruction: Use this option to add more languages that you speak]
  • Have you traveled to any countries/regions within the last five years?
    • (If you have answered “Yes” to the above question, you must answer the below questions) Provide a List of Countries/Regions Visited [Instruction: Enter all the names of the countries you have traveled to so far, excluding the US and your home country]
      • Country/Region [Instruction: Enter the name of the country you have traveled to previously]
      • Add Another [Instruction: Use this option to add more countries that you have traveled]
  • Have you belonged to, contributed to, or worked for any professional, social, or charitable organization? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” only if you are affiliated with a professional (IEEE, ACM, Bar Association, etc.) or charitable (Red Cross, MSF) group and enter the names of those organizations]
  • Do you have any specialized skills or training, such as firearms, explosives, nuclear, biological, or chemical experience? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” only if you were trained in using firearms, etc]
  • Have you ever served in the military? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” only if you have served/serving in the military]
  • Have you ever served in, been a member of, or been involved with a paramilitary unit, vigilante unit, rebel group, guerrilla group, or insurgent organization? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” only if you have been involved in any of those groups and enter the details below]

Provide a List of Languages You Speak
For the question “Provide a List of Languages You Speak”, enter all languages that you speak, even if you speak at a beginner level.

Provide a List of Countries/Regions Visited
For the question “Provide a List of Countries/Regions Visited”, enter all countries you have traveled to so far including your country of residence (if it’s not your country of passport). Exclude the US (if you have traveled to the US before), your country of passport, and any country that you have merely passed through on a layover/transit.

11. Security and Background

America Visit Visa step15
  • Do you have a communicable disease of public health significance? (Communicable diseases of public significance include chancroid, gonorrhea, granuloma inguinale, infectious leprosy, lymphogranuloma venereum, infectious stage syphilis, active tuberculosis, and other diseases as determined by the Department of Health and Human Services.) [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” only if you have any of those diseases]
  • Do you have a mental or physical disorder that poses or is likely to pose a threat to the safety or welfare of yourself or others? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” only if you have a mental or physical disorder]
  • Are you or have you ever been a drug abuser or addict? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” only if you were a drug abuser or addict]

Subsection: Part 2

America Visit Visa step16-1
America Visit Visa step16-2
  • Have you ever been arrested or convicted for any offense or crime, even though subject of a pardon, amnesty, or other similar action? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you ever violated, or engaged in a conspiracy to violate, any law relating to controlled substances? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Are you coming to the United States to engage in prostitution or unlawful commercialized vice or have you been engaged in prostitution or procuring prostitutes within the past 10 years? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you ever been involved in, or do you seek to engage in, money laundering? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you ever committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you knowingly aided, abetted, assisted or colluded with an individual who has committed or conspired to commit a severe human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Are you the spouse, son, or daughter of an individual who has committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States, and have you within the last five years, knowingly benefited from the trafficking activities? [Instruction: Select “No”]

Subsection: Part 3

America Visit Visa step17-1
America Visit Visa step17-2
  • Do you seek to engage in espionage, sabotage, export control violations, or any other illegal activity while in the United States? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Do you seek to engage in terrorist activities while in the United States or have you ever engaged in terrorist activities? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you ever or do you intend to provide financial assistance or other support to terrorists or terrorist organizations? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Are you a member or representative of a terrorist organization? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Are you the spouse, son, or daughter of an individual who has engaged in terrorist activity, including providing financial assistance or other support to terrorists or terrorist organizations, in the last five years? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you ever ordered, incited, committed, assisted, or otherwise participated in genocide?
    [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you ever committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in torture?
    [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you committed, ordered, incited, assisted, or otherwise participated in extrajudicial killings, political killings, or other acts of violence? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you ever engaged in the recruitment or the use of child soldiers? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you, while serving as a government official, been responsible for or directly carried out, at any time, particularly severe violations of religious freedom? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you ever been directly involved in the establishment or enforcement of population controls forcing a woman to undergo an abortion against her free choice or a man or a woman to undergo sterilization against his or her free will? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you ever been directly involved in the coercive transplantation of human organs or bodily tissue? [Instruction: Select “No”]

Subsection: Part 4

America Visit Visa step18
  • Have you ever sought to obtain or assist others to obtain a visa, entry into the United States, or any other United States immigration benefit by fraud or willful misrepresentation or other unlawful means? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you ever been removed or deported from any country? [Instruction: Select “No”]

Subsection: Part 5

America Visit Visa step19
  • Have you ever withheld custody of a U.S. citizen child outside the United States from a person granted legal custody by a U.S. court? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you voted in the United States in violation of any law or regulation? [Instruction: Select “No”]
  • Have you ever renounced United States citizenship for the purpose of avoiding taxation? [Instruction: Select “No”]

12. Photo

This section may not be available if applying from certain countries such as India, Mexico, etc. In such countries, photos are typically captured along with fingerprints by the visa application center or the consulate on the day of the USA visit visa interview appointment.

Subsection: Upload Photo

America Visit Visa step20

In the “Upload Photo” section, upload a passport-size digital photo.

If you have uploaded and tested your photo in the “01. Getting Started” section, you will be taken directly to the “Confirm Photo” section.

You may sometimes see an “Error: There was a missing or invalid parameter in the request” while uploading the photo. If you see this error, try again after a few minutes. If it’s a weekend, try again on a weekday, especially during US working hours. This is a technical issue and nothing wrong with your photo. Their technical team will be notified by the system and they will fix it.

Subsection: Confirm Photo

America Visit Visa step21

In the “Confirm Photo” section, you will see a preview of the photo you have uploaded. If you are satisfied with your photo, click on “Next: REVIEW”. Otherwise, click on “Choose a Different Photo” to upload a different photo.

13. Review

In this section, you will review all the data you have entered so far. You will click on each of the following 7 subsections to review for accuracy and any mistakes in the data you have entered.

Subsection: Personal/Address/Phone/Passport

America Visit Visa step22-1
America Visit Visa step22-2

Review the entered information in “Personal/Address/Phone/Passport”

  • Personal Information [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in personal information, click on “Edit Personal Information” to fix the errors]
  • Address and Phone Information [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in address and phone information, click on “Edit Address and Phone Information” to fix the errors]
  • Passport/Travel Document Information [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in passport/travel document information, click on “Edit Passport/Travel Document Information” to fix the errors]

Subsection: Travel

America Visit Visa step23

Review the entered information in “Travel”

  • Travel Information [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in travel information, click on “Edit Travel Information” to fix the errors]
  • Travel Companions Information [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in travel companions information, click on “Edit Travel Companions Information” to fix the errors]
  • Previous U.S. Travel Information [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in previous US travel information, click on “Edit Previous U.S. Travel Information” to fix the errors]

Subsection: U.S. Contact

America Visit Visa step24

Review the entered information in “U.S. Contact”

  • U.S. Point of Contact Information [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in US point of contact information, click on “Edit U.S. Point of Contact Information” to fix the errors]

Subsection: Family

America Visit Visa step25

Review the entered information in “Family”

  • Family Information: Relatives [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in relatives information, click on “Edit Family Information: Relatives” to fix the errors]
  • Family Information: Spouse [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in spouse information, click on “Edit Family Information: Spouse” to fix the errors]

Subsection: Work/Education/Training

America Visit Visa step26-1
America Visit Visa step26-2

Review the entered information in “Work/Education/Training”

  • Present Work Information [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in present work information, click on “Edit Present Work Information” to fix the errors]
  • Previous Work Information [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in previous work information, click on “Edit Previous Work Information” to fix the errors]
  • Additional Information [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in additional information, click on “Edit Additional Information” to fix the errors]

Subsection: Security and Background

America Visit Visa step27-1
America Visit Visa step27-2

Review the entered information in “Security and Background”

  • Part 1 [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in part 1, click on “Edit Part 1” to fix the errors]
  • Part 2 [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in part 2, click on “Edit Part 2” to fix the errors]
  • Part 3 [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in part 3, click on “Edit Part 3” to fix the errors]
  • Part 4 [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in part 4, click on “Edit Part 4” to fix the errors]
  • Part 5 [Instruction: If you see any mistakes in part 5, click on “Edit Part 5” to fix the errors]

Subsection: Location

America Visit Visa step

Review the entered information in “Location”

  • Location [Instruction: If you have made a mistake in selecting the location for your visa interview, click on “Edit Location Information” to select a different location]

14. Sign and Submit

America Visit Visa step29-1
America Visit Visa step29-2

Preparer of Application

  • Did anyone assist you in filling out this application? [Instruction: Select “No”. Select “Yes” ONLY if a travel agent completed your application on your behalf]


  • Enter your Passport/Travel Document Number: [Instruction: Enter your passport number]
  • Enter the code as shown: [Instruction: Enter the code shown in the captcha]

After entering the above information, click on “Sign and Submit Application” to electronically sign and submit your USA visit visa DS-160.

Once you click on “Sign and Submit Application”, you cannot make any more changes to your USA visit visa DS-160. If you notice any errors, then you have to fill out a new application altogether. So, make sure all your information is correct and error-free before clicking on “Sign and Submit Application”.

After you click on “Sign and Submit Application”, the following confirmation is displayed.

“You have successfully signed and submitted your application. You cannot make any changes to your application at this point. Please click ‘Next: Confirmation’ to complete the application process”

Click on the “Next: Confirmation” button to view and print your USA visit visa DS-160 confirmation.

15. Confirmation

America Visit Visa step30

On this page, confirmation of your USA visit visa DS-160 will be displayed. You will see 3 options –

  • Print Confirmation [Instruction: Click this button to print the USA visit visa DS-160 confirmation. A print of your USA visit visa DS-160 confirmation is required to attend your US visa interview]
  • Print Application [Instruction: Click this button to print a copy of USA visit visa DS-160 itself. This is for your records only. You do not need a USA visit visa DS-160 print for your interview]
  • Email Confirmation [Instruction: Click this button to email USA visit visa DS-160 confirmation. You can also print this USA visit visa DS-160 confirmation from your email later]

Print the USA visit visa DS-160 confirmation from this screen on an A4 or letter-size paper. If not, at least save it as a PDF so you will have a copy. Email a copy to yourself as well so you can print it later if needed.

Also, print a copy of your USA visit visa DS-160 to PDF so you will have a copy of that too. Later down the line if you are applying/renewing the visa, you can upload this PDF to pre-populate the DS-160 form for you. It would save a ton of time.

Next Step

After you complete and submit your USA visit visa DS-160, the next step would be to pay the MRV fee and schedule your US visa interview. Follow this detailed step-by-step guide on how to schedule a USA Visit Visa interview.

If you want to apply for a Canada visa then click here for the complete procedure

If you have any problem regarding DS-160 Form feel free to comment right below


Easy Way To Get Canada Visa From the UAE

Here’s How You Can Apply For Canada visa in few steps.

Canada visa title image

1. Create a GCKey (CIC Account).

What is a GCKey? It’s an account that would let you securely access the online services of the Government of Canada, including the CIC, which stands for Citoyenneté et Immigration Canada (Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada), the government agency that will be handling your application. You will be asked to create a username, password, and security questions for your Canada visa account.

Here’s how to create a GCKey/CIC account:

  1. Visit the registration page of the CIC here: CIC Register. Click on GCKey at the bottom of the screen.
Canada visa step1
  1. 2. Click SIGN UP (on the right side of the screen) on the next page.
  2. 3. Accept the terms and conditions on the next page
  3. 4. Create an account. Provide your full name, email address, desired username, password, and security questions and answers. Take note of these details because you will be entering these bits of info many times during the process.
  4. 5. On the next page, click “VISITOR VISA, STUDY AND/OR WORK PERMIT”. If you are logged out, you will have to log in again. Then, you will be directed to your Accounts Dashboard where you’ll see a list of applications. Since your account is new, the list is empty. Towards the bottom, you’ll find a “START YOUR APPLICATION” section. Click on “APPLY TO COME TO CANADA.”
  5. 6. On the next page, you will be asked if you have a Personal Reference Code. Under “I do not have a Personal Reference Code,” click “VISITOR VISA, STUDY AND/OR WORK PERMIT”.
Canada visa step2

7. Find out if you’re eligible. You will be asked a series of questions about your trip and your background: how long is your trip, what province will you be visiting, have you been arrested for or convicted of any crime, have you overstayed a visa before? Just answer truthfully. You will also be asked whether or not you have a family member who is a citizen or permanent resident of Canada. If everything is alright, the next page will tell you that you are eligible for a Canada Visa. Click CONTINUE. On the next page, click CONTINUE again.

2. Upload your documents.

You will be asked to review all the information you entered in the previous step. Check if things are as they should be, and then click CONTINUE.

You will be presented with a Personal Document Checklist, which displays all the required documents that you need to upload. It looks like this:

Canada visa step3

To upload, simply click on the corresponding UPLOAD button on the right side.

You don’t need to upload the documents all at once. If you feel like you can’t complete it today, you can simply log out and log in another day. You have 30 days to complete the requirements.

Again, reminders:

  • Only the following file types are accepted: PDF, JPG, TIFF, PNG, DOC, DOCX
  • Only one file will be allowed per requirement. If you are want to submit multiple pages of your passport to show the different visas and stamps, you must scan and save all pages as only one file.
  • The size of each file must NOT exceed 4MB.
  • Make sure your documents are complete. You won’t be able to see the SUBMIT or CONTINUE button if any of the required files is missing.

Once you have completed the requirements and submitted your application, you will be prompted for an electronic signature. You don’t need to scan your signature or anything. You simply have to enter your full name. That’s your electronic signature. Just type your name.

3. Pay the Visa and Biometrics Fee.

Visa, Mastercard, and American Express are all accepted. Again, here are the fees:

  • Visa Fee. CAD 100.
  • Biometrics Fee. CAD 85.

Just enter your card details and click Process Transaction. It may take a while to process so be patient. Don’t click that button again because you might be double-charged.

Canada visa step4

Within a few hours, you will receive an email containing your Application Number. It starts with letter V and then a series of numbers.

You will also receive instructions to submit your biometrics.

4. Submit your biometrics.

Note that if you have submitted your biometrics before and they are still valid, you don’t need to submit biometrics. But if you received a Biometric Instruction Letter (BIL), then you have to visit the Visa Application Centre usually within the next 30 days so they could collect your biometric data. The letter has instructions already, but here it is.

  1. Set an appointment for biometrics submission. More information on this page.
  2. Check your email. Once you have secured a schedule, you will receive an Appointment Letter indicating the date and time of your appointment, and the address of the Canada Visa Application Center. It will also tell you if you need to bring anything.
  3. On your appointment date, show up at the Canada Visa Application Center 15 minutes before your schedule. If you’re asked to bring some documents, don’t forget to have them with you.

Here are the addresses of the Canada Visa Application Centers in Dubai:

Located in: Wafi City

AddressWafi Mall, 3rd Floor, Road – Dubai


Monday9 AM–5 PM
Tuesday9 AM–5 PM
Wednesday9 AM–5 PM
Thursday9 AM–5 PM
Friday9 AM–5 PM
5. Wait for updates.

From here on, you will be getting a message each time there is an update to your application. The first few messages will be updates that your application has been received.

To read your messages, follow these steps:
  1. Visit the CIC Login page and click on GCKey again here.
  2. Enter your username and password. You will also be asked to answer a security question.
  3. On the next page is a summary of your application. Scroll down toward the bottom. Under “View My Submitted Application”, click the Check Status and Messages button.
Canada visa step5

On the next page, info about the application is displayed. Scroll down to the bottom again. Under Correspondence, you will see the messages. Click on the Expand button and it will reveal a “View this message” link. When you click it, a PDF document will be automatically downloaded.

Canada visa step6

Please provide your passport for submission.

  1. If your application is denied, you will receive an email telling you just that.
    If your application is approved, you will receive a message that they have come to a decision regarding your application and they are requesting that you submit your passport.
    You have two options: by mail of in person.
    If in person
  2. Print out the passport request letter you received from IRCC/CIC. Make sure that the barcodes and application number are clear. You will bring this and your passport to the VFS Office/ Canada Visa Application Centre (CVAC).
  3. Go to Canada Visa Application Centre (address below). At the CVAC Office, the guard will give you a number and 2 forms: a personal info form and a VAC Consent Form.
  4. When your number is called submit all the requirements:
    – Passport
    – Request Letter from IRCC/CIC
    – Personal info form
    – VAC Consent Form. You can also download here
  5. Pay the CVAC handling fee. P543.15 according to the website. But in reality, I was charged P905 (cash), perhaps including the courier charges. Check out the list of fees and service charges here
    If by mail
    It’s a bit more complicated. here’s the complete step-by-step guide: Submission by Mail
    According to the staff I talked to, the passport will be ready in 2 weeks, but she also said that it usually takes much shorter than that.
    Below are the addresses of the visa centers for Canada Dubai:

Located in: Wafi City

AddressWafi Mall, 3rd Floor, Road – Dubai


Monday9 AM–5 PM
Tuesday9 AM–5 PM
Wednesday9 AM–5 PM
Thursday9 AM–5 PM
Friday9 AM–5 PM

That’s it! Once it has your visa, you may receive your passport by Courier Service or collect it at the CVAC office, depending on what you paid for.

Enjoy Canada!

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If you have any problem regarding your application or you have any questions regarding Canada visa feel free to ask

if you want to apply for USA then click on this link